30 January 2011

290111- мοs clυь @sυnшαч ♥

跟着其中一个女生到处去走~走到一桌华人男生的桌子,我们坐下来了~我的朋友她开始在买了,可是我还是静静坐在那边,一个也没卖出~先看看别人怎么做吧~哇~有点太开放了吧?朋友还被灌酒~可怜~我慢慢开始敢开口说话,然后要求他们帮我买~他们真的很好人~不单止帮我买完20瓶,而且还很照顾我~真的很幸运遇到他们~在这里真的要好好谢谢他们咯~尤其是蜡笔和bee~真的很谢谢你们帮我的忙~哈哈~很高兴认识你们~keep in touch ya ♥



给男朋友的话 ♥





还有还有还有就是~暂时还没想到要说什么~太多话想说了啦~真的真的不知道什么时候才可以说完?你想听吗?想知道吗?要说这些东西,可是要花一辈子才能说完的哦~哈哈~你要在我身边一辈子,听我慢慢把话说完~可以吗?我很自私的,很霸道的要你永远都在我身边~我不准你离开我~听到没?不许你离开我~不许不许不许!!! 我爱你~嘻嘻 ♥

280111 ♥

刚刚做好手指甲,就已经两点了~上课咯~今天老师给我们做练习题~刚开始还以为有分数所以很认真我们都很认真的在做~怎知道做完后,老师说没有分数的~哎呀~算了啦~不管有没有分数,还是要认真做嘛~30题的题目,我只对了15题~要好好加油咯~Final exam要拿高分~今天3点半就放学了~继续去做指甲~做脚的~呵呵~满意~满意~满意 ♥
5点半了~快快快~要去看电影了~还好我们没迟到~哈哈~ 笑着回家♥ 很不错看哦~蛮好笑的~也很感动啦~看完就去bbq plaza吃东西咯~饿死了~哈哈~吃完就去逛逛~等dear的爸爸在我们回~时间还早,所以就到starbuck去做做咯~买了杯green tea来喝~ 还有两杯免费的chocolate 和不知道什么水~在等的同时,看了看自己的指甲,手痒痒,帮刚买的一下小钻钻粘下去了~哈哈~一些还被我丑化了~但是,算了吧~没办法,都是自己手痒~哈哈~但是一些还蛮漂亮的~喜欢 ♥

dear 的爸爸打电话来咯~我们到federal hotel等他~等了很久,还没来~我超累的~还睡着了呢~哈哈~1点了,他爸爸才来~回到家,冲好凉躺下去就睡着了~真的是超级累但是很开心♥

220111 ♥

今天的晚餐想吃火锅~结果dear就带我去了~谢谢dear~ ♥
去到serdang的Flame City Steamboat吃~东西还不错啦~价钱也不会很贵~三个人RM72...
 辛辣汤+鸡汤 ♥

  吃完后就是这样乱丢 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻

 123~ 哎呀~关眼睛了啦
 okay~i try to make half boil egg but i failed

 2nd time do half boil egg~failed again

 ice cream ice cream ♥


晚上就去21st century帮dear的朋友庆祝生日~ happy birthday to jing jing ♥

29 January 2011

不管以前是如何,只要现在幸福开心,这样就很好了 ♥

在facebook看到我的前男友他跟她公开恋爱了~真替他感到开心~终于可以公开了~要幸福,要开心哦 ♥ 算一算,他们在一起也已经一年多了吧~哈哈~时间过得好快哦~


不管以前是如何,只要现在幸福开心,这样就很好了 ♥

28 January 2011


Oh no!!!It's late...My baby boy was sleeping tightly but I still awake...I'm going to die tomorrow... >.<
What's on my mind? I don't know... What to do?Think to do some research about my marketing assignment but when I took out everything, on my laptop, I don't feel I will do it... Keep facebook-ing... chating with friends...Now, I already give up with it... Actually I done some part of it... LOL
Okay...It's not the point... Now, I feel confused... A lot of questions were in my mind now but those question have no answer. Well.. Sound so complicated. How I'm going to describe my feeling? What to do? Someone answer me? Someone answer my question? I think NO... =(
  • What is my future?
  • what should I do now?
  • Is't the right choice that I study this course?
  • Who am I?(this question have no answer since long time ago)
and bla bla bla~

Listen to some music now... Sorry that I love You by Anthony... What a nice song? I love it ♥
Start to think rubbish...
Haiyo... My brain a my brain... Stop thinking please... Take a rest la... You already very tired... go sleep la... If not tomorrow sure can't concentrate in class then you can't do well in exam and you can't get 3.0 in your CGPA in this semester.. GO SLEEP NOW!!!GO GO GO!!!
Okay... Go sleep now... NIGHT WORLD~ =.=LOL

19 January 2011


Third semester in this college~ I realize that something changed~ I change, Friends change, lecturer change and bla bla bla~
Friends... The friends that I know since 1st semester are getting far from me... We don't talk to each other that much~ Sometimes, I can't join their conversation... I don't even know what are they talking about. I don't even know how their life now. I should ask. But what I feel from them was their are not really like to share with me something. That's why I keep this question in my heart and didn't share anything. Maybe I'm not a good friend. I don't know how to keep a friendship. I hope to join them more but we are in different group, different class. Our time is totally different. That's the problem? I don't know.
But anyway, I still hope to know you all more. Hope that we can close to each other like before~

17 January 2011

我亲爱的他 ♥





就像上两个星期,我回hometown了~dear跟我一起回~因为他说他不放心我一个人搭巴士~从我回家那天开始,我就已经开始胃痛~回到自己家~就开始痛~而且痛了几天~回家第二天还要被妈妈责怪,说我什么都不做,装病~可是我是真的又觉得不舒服啊~只是她不相信~从来就没有相信过我~还骂了我很久~当时,我真的很伤心~我哭了~一边收拾房间,我的眼泪就一直掉~dear看到我这样,走进来,抱着我,安慰我,还帮忙我收拾~当时真的有很感动哦~哈哈~我喜欢这种受保护的感觉 ♥



第二天上课,更要我的命~第一天的时间表就让我快晕倒了~排的满满的~晕~放学回到家,dear说去他家,明天不要去上课,他带我去看医生~又看医生?我就快傻了~可以说不要吗?T.T 晚上在dear家过夜~也是一样没睡好~一直起床~




亲爱的~谢谢你对我的照顾和关怀~跟你在一起,我好象都变成小孩子了咯~哈哈~希望接下来的日子都有你在我身边陪着我一起度过~我爱你~muacks ♥

Great Day ♥ 天天好天


哈哈~今天终于要去剪了头发了~GC Hair Studio~在这边间很久了~因为他们剪头发都很细心,所以就很喜欢在这边剪~已经4年咯~哈哈~我昨天就make apppoinment 3点~今天去到已经3点半了~但是还是很多人~等了很久才轮到我们剪~哈哈~


Brendan Yap,Profesional hair stylist
他在帮dear剪的当时偷拍的 =P



剪完头发,我们就去leisure mall popular买点东西咯~

Cindy, Dannis, Shee Wen, Shee Hao


Dear Dear,我爱你 ♥ muacks

15 January 2011


Hello guys~ It's me again....I look so free this few day right? Update my blog every day~ haha~ tell something about today~
Early in the morning, my dear wake me up but I still sleeping because I'm very very very tired. After my dear prepared everything, I still sleeping. LOL~ What a lazy student here~ haha~ Dear keep wake me up and finally I wake up with a UNLIKE mood~ I angry my dear because he wake me up. I have no enough sleep today.
9am class and I reach at 8.30am. Having breakfast with Cheryl and Cheryl~ Cheryl and Cheryl?! Ya... Cheryl and Cheryl~ Lim and Tan... LOL =.= After having breakfast, went to college then having class lo... Accouting.. Bored lo. I langsung dun know what he said. Need to work harder and harder. Need help in accounting also. 11.30am, class dismiss. Ate porridge at LOU YOU GUAI GUAI. I just ate 2 scoop of porridge because of my mood. AGAIN, NO ENOUGH SLEEP!!! 
The next class will be at 2pm. 1pm something, I told dear that I'm hungry and wanna eat Mcdonald. dear bring me to McDonald. McDonald was full and there were no seat for us anymore so we take away. The staff who taking order and pack food were SUCK~ What a bad service they gave to me. I still remember his face and his name. The staff who taking order name Izman. I will complaint him.Went back to college after take my food.
Having class at 2pm. Marketing. Not that difficult so far because it's almost same with Management that I study last semester.
4pm, class dismiss and went to Jalan Hang Tuah with dear, Tien Xia, Jun yang, Benjamin and Cheryl Tan. They went there to buy some shirt and trousers for CNY~ There have no much choice because they sell a lot and those is only for guy but not girls~ SAD >.< 6pm something only leave there.
Me, dear and Jun Yang take LRT back home. When we reach Bandar Tasik Selatan, we need to change KTM to Kajang. There are many people are waiting there. FAINT @@ Wait so long time the train only come. But full and we cant get into the train. What to do is just wait to next train. Again, FULL!!! I cant wait anymore because i headache! The people behind me keep push push push and push us into train. It's fucking HOT!!! I hate this feel and dun hope to take train next time! It's make me wanna kill people. Finally we reach Kajang. Wait for his sister then only back together. in that time, my face is already change. Impatient face and I get angry. My dear keep asking me what happen to me but I dun answer him. I know he is getting angry too. SORRY to my dear. 
8pm, finally reach home. Take bath then go out again. Dear's friend married. Dun know what time then we back home. Online facebook a while then sleep. Night world.

亲爱的,对不起哦~我不应该因为睡眠不足而发你脾气的~ 对不起~宝贝不要生气哦~爱你~ muackz

13 January 2011

@#$%^&* F***

I need to ask permission from you about what I want to write and what I want to post? Anythings I did wrong? After Read my blog can you just keep quiet? Can you just think that you are reading the other people's blog but not mine? Can you just SHUT UP? Can you dun be a busy body? After read my blog need to show to my mum also? You need to do that? That's the things that I very hate!!!
And now, this is my blog. I have my freedom to write anything I want to say. I have the right to write anything!!! the only one place that I can say everything~ The only place that I can write everything. And now you destroy it! You make me suffer make me scold by other! Happy? i really dun know what I did? I offend you before? I really dun understand wht you like to do this busy things?  Busy body!!! Next time, PLEASE, dun help me make known! After read my blog, keep your fucking mouth!!! Dun show to my family AGAIN and EVEr!! NEVER SHOW IT TO MY FAMILY PLEASE!!! FUCK YOU!!!! @#$%^&*


13.1.2011- first day operation of 3rd semester

Today is the first operation of my 3rd semester. Yesterday I absent to Miss-en-place because of sick and I need to visit Mr.Doctor. 8.30am class and I reach in time. When I enter to kitchen, they all were get ready. Chef Siew Lee is starting to brief us what to do later. After a short brief, we do our own thing. I was helping Hafiq to prepare 1 of the main course, Beef. I cut all the fruits which are us to made fruit salad for the main course. After finished cutting, Hafiq asked me help him to cook the orange sauce. Oh no! I don't know how to do. Confuse with everything. Thanks GOD because Chef help me. Chef ask me to wash the bowl and pot and no need me t0 cook the sauce. I need to say SORRY to Hafiq because I'm not a good helper although I really hope to help him out. What can I do is only help them wash things. After finished everything, we having staff meal andd also a short briefing about our food and job for operation later. After took my staff meal, I ate my medicine. GOSH~ I HATE IT!!! Didn't eat better, after ate the medicine, I feel dizzy and headache. I not dare to tell chef that I'm not feeling well because I already absent yesterday. Luckily Yvonne help me told chef that I'm not feeling well and hope she let me go. Chef let me go and ask me rest more. Thank you chef ♥ 
I went to 11th floor to find my dear see whether he finished class or not. I saw him when I want reply his message. My dear was supprise that why I will be there because I should in kitchen. I told him everything then he said go having lunch then straight away back home. 
When reach home, it's rain. What's wrong to the weather nowadays? Change suddenly. @@ 

12 January 2011


3rd day of 3rd semester. Today have miss-en-place for tomorrow operation but I'm not going to college because of sick and I'm going to see doctor AGAIN today. WT*! I cough 1 week more already but haven get well. My dear bring me too see doctor near his home. Thanks dear for caring me when I'm sick. Sick caan't do anything. Just stay at home whole day at keep online. oh ya... Luckily I bough the broadbrand yesterday. If not, I think I will bored untill my dear come back. haha~ And now I'm in my dear house waiting for him to come back. dear faster come back to me. I miss You >.<

3rd semester-10.1.2011

First day of college reopen. First day of my 3rd semester. 4 subjects for this semester. Accounting, Marketing, PDS 3, and Advance Cuisine Restaurant Operation(ACRO).
Today I wake up early coz I not sleep well yesterday night. Keep cough cough cough and cough. I'm still in sick but still went to college. I dun hope to miss any class this semester because this is a short sem. I will miss manything when i miss a class.
8.30am PDS 3 and continue to accounting. NO BREAK TIME!!! WTF!!
Accounting- I have a little bit knowledge about accounting. I'm regret to say that. >.<>.<>
All right, continue... I didn't meet my new juniors who is Jan 11 intake... Haha~ Anyway, just like to say welcome to BUCH~ Enjoy it~
Today finished class at 5pm. From 8.30am until 5pm we only got 30 minutes break time. Fain @@

Today's look ♥







Oh ya~ I forgot to share something with you guys... I went to CEO which locate in Farenheit when 30.12.2010 (if not wrong)~ It's a very very very nice place... Enjoy the CEO style service~ At the moment everyone of us are CEO~ As you know, how proud as a CEo and how was CEO's life... It's gonna be a memorable moment~

Share some picture here 1st....
There are 7 people including me...
Me, my baby boy(Dannis), Marco, Shanz, Evon, Jing Jing, and Mice(zhi jian)

The front desk of CEO

There are 2 VIP rooms

1 of the VIP room

The other VIP room ♥

You can see from the picture how my dear and I enjoy the room... It's really really very nice~We love that ♥

Decoration of the CEO

Okay~It's Santa~ Should I say Merry Christmas or Happy New Year? LOL =.=

Still Christmas feel although it's already pass~ Anyway, I think there will change it later...

Ya... This iis me n my ♥~ haha~ k la k la... know u all not interest with this la... This is the decoration beside the lift.... Once you enter to CEO, it's on your right hand side~

Wow... see how big the is BOTTLE~ But it's just for decoration~ Alcohol inside? Erm... I don't know >.<

Aha~ This lamp is nice~ It's in the VIP room I think~ haha ♥

Okay~Finished with the decoration of CEO~

Here is some pictures we took in our K room~

Jing, Marco, Dannis, Cindy, Evon, Shan, and Mice

Guess what is this~ Yeah lamboghini~ It's very nice~ I ♥ it

This is the Asst Captain of CEO-Ron Fum~ He is serving us the Lamboghini~He is a very kind people~

We sing from 12am to 4am....Haha~
Fun Fun Fun~

We not forget to took photo before we leave there ♥

Photo with the Asst Captain...

Say Cheese ♥

Photo at the stair ♥

Ahem~ Let's introduce us to you all~ We are "5566"~ Give a big big claps to us~ Yeah~ LOL=.= But I still ♥

Haha~ mii n my dear dear ♥

I forgot to took the picture of toilet... Haha~ It have toilet just outside of the room... EACH ROOM~
Yeah~ The end of story~
Again... RECOMMENDED to you all~ CEO~
Enjoy the service of CEO~
*It's free a bottle of mineral water aand 2 cups of drinks, any drinks can be order in menu including ALCOHOL!!!!!!!!
*Room rate depends on time