Din go to work... Nothing to do in my dear house... Haizzz... BORED!!! What to do... Hey... LOng time din back home dy... How about back to Pahang? Good idea man... Haha~ Wake my dear up then asked him back with me~ I love you my dear...Wahahahaha... wake up prepared everything then waited his father to fetch us to KTM station... Reach Titiwangsa at 2.30pm... 2.30pm de bus... SAy bye bye to Kl loo... Hehe... 2.30pm we get in the bus lo... Yeah~ Excited excited excited~~~ Haha~ In the bus my dear want sleep but i dun let him sleep... I asked him to took picture with me... Keep took... Non-stop... Haha^^Actually I'm not that bad la... I still let my dear sleep la... Coz he really very tired dy...
Big mouth boy ><
A lot of photo we had took... I had upload on my facebook~ Have a look on my facebook ba^^ Hehe...
5.30pm... Finally... Reach destination... Bandar Pusat Jengka... Not yet reach my home la... Haha~ Dun so nervous la... Be patient... Hehe ^^ Wait for my brother come and fetch me back home... Just awhiloe... my brother reach dy~ Oh yeah~ Cant wait reach my home~
Wuuuuu... Reach home le lo... Happy happy happy~Oh my beloved bed... my room... my house... my friends~ I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!(=.=)
At night, me n my dear having dinner with my dad n mum... Then we go KTV~ My biao jiu treat us beer~ thank you biao jiu^^ Play until 1am only back home~ Back home then sleep... Night word~
The next day... Dear wake up late... No breakfast time... Skip to lunch... Haha~ Pai Kuat Fan... Not bad... I like it la... Dun know my dear like or not... Haha~Then night go out yam cha with myb fren... My frens so funny la wei... Can't stop laughing @@ Hahahhahaha~Then go out lo....
Third Day... Nothing to do dy... So we stay at home playing computer and my dear played ps... Play until sot jor... Haha~ Then 4pm... Go to bus stop... Back KL lu... Bye bye my home, my hometown n my fren... BYE BYE~~~~ 7.30pm reach KL then 9 something only reach Kajang...
Happy to meet my friends n my family... Hehe^^